The Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation is home to The DATOS Institute, which aims to gather and disseminate timely, credible and independent market data and analysis about the state’s fast-growing Hispanic market.
The Chamber produces a range of reports that examine Hispanic and minority markets and business trends in Arizona. The reports are designed to provide business and community leaders, along with elected and appointed public officials, with the research data they need to understand the role and impact of Latinos on Arizona’s economy. Our flagship publication is called DATOS: The State of Arizona's Hispanic Market. The report features primary and secondary research on a wide range of topics, such as consumer spending, demographics, education, technology and electoral politics. it is released annually at the Chamber’s DATOS Conference.
The DATOS report is researched and compiled with the assistance and consultation of an editorial team comprised of more than three dozen subject matter experts and AZHCC staff, all led by AZHCC President & CEO, Monica Villalobos, who serves the publications editor and director of the DATOS Institute.